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Lake Johanna Fire Station

Lake Johanna Fire Station

Lake Johanna Fire Station

Lake Johanna Fire Station

Lake Johanna Fire Station

Lake Johanna Fire Station

EDS Rescues Lake Johanna Fire Station

When you spot a fire you call a fire department…when afire department spotted a flaw in their firehouse, they called Doc Smith at EDS Builders.


The Lake Johanna Fire Department had spotted a large slab of concrete moving each time they pulled their firetruck out of their station. A crack was developing from the fire door all the way to the fire house drains and the exterior stoop had already sunk a half-inch. The concrete had also begun breaking up near the station doors.

Upon removing the interior slab, it was discovered there was(1) No under pining to the slab…(2) no rebar tying the slab to the foundation and (3) an 11” exterior stoop versus a 6”interior stoop.


New concrete was poured and rebar installed. The interior slab was tied to the exterior slab and the exterior slab was tied into the exterior apron. 11 inches of 4000psi concrete was poured to strengthen the stoop and underpinning.